25 Ucapan Hari Valentine 2023 Bahasa Inggris, Confess Perasaan di Bulan Kasih Sayang

Selasa 07 Februari 2023, 13:30 WIB
Ilustrasi. Ucapan Hari Valentine 2023 Bahasa Inggris, Confess Perasaan di Bulan Kasih Sayang (Sumber : Freepik)

Ilustrasi. Ucapan Hari Valentine 2023 Bahasa Inggris, Confess Perasaan di Bulan Kasih Sayang (Sumber : Freepik)

SUKABUMIUPDATE.com - Hari Valentine identik dengan pemberian coklat sebagai simbol hadiah kasih sayang. Kandungan phenylethylamine pada coklat berfungsi membantu penyerapan dalam otak serta menghasilkan dopamin dan menimbulkan perasaan gembira, meningkatkan rasa tertarik serta menumbuhkan perasaan jatuh cinta.

Hari Valentine 2023, seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya selalu diperingati setiap tanggal 14 Februari. Hari kasih sayang kerap dijadikan momentum ungkapan cinta baik pasangan maupun sahabat.

Ucapan Selamat Hari Valentine 2023 bisa juga disampaikan dengan bahasa inggris agar lebih bervariasi. Terutama, jika pasangan adalah tipe love language word of affirmation, kata-kata cinta pasti membuat hati berbunga-bunga.

Berikut Ucapan Hari Valentine 2023 Bahasa Inggris, Ungkapkan Perasaan Pada Pasangan di Bulan Kasih Sayang, seperti dikutip via suara.com!

Baca Juga: Perut Buncit Bikin Gak PD? Ini 5 Cara Mencegahnya, Yuk Coba Terapkan!

1. “Valentine’s Day meant nothing for me before you, it still means nothing. But I love you anyway.”

2. “May God fills your heart with love and also your wallet with money so you can buy some chocolates for your honey! Happy valentine’s day!”

3. “I guess you didn’t steal my heart; you completely grabbed me from me! Happy Valentine’s day.”

4. “Enjoy this Valentine’s Day with nice and sweet people around you. Have a blast. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

5. "May you can find true love this Valentine’s Day and also understand what pain it brings along."

Baca Juga: 5 Cara Mencegah Perut Buncit Agar Tampil Lebih PD, Yuk Simak!

6. "Wishing a very Happy Valentine’s Day to my one and only friend. You have no idea how lucky you are as you have a sorted status."

7. "Even when your girlfriend is going to go away, one person who will be standing next to you is me. Happy Valentine’s Day to you dear buddy."

8. "Wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day. Just bringing me the money in the party tonight or else I would surely tell your girlfriend about it."

9. "I wish my friend a happy Valentine’s Day. Make sure you not bring your boyfriend on our celebration party in the evening."

10. "You are not my sweetheart, but you’re my other half. Let’s spend this Valentine’s Day enjoying each other’s company!"

11. "The fact that you’re single on this February 14th doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve to be happy. You’re just special, and you deserve all the best. Happy Valentine’s Day, keep your head up!"

12. "Celebrating Valentine’s Day looks great in movies. But in real life, it’s just horrible and costly. Try buying a bouquet of flowers and you’ll know, Fellas!"

13. "Valentine’s Day is about celebrating someone you love with all your heart, and you are the one I love the most. Thank you for being my ride or die, my soulmate, my twin flame and my other half. Happy February 14th!"

14. "No candy as sweet as your beautiful heart. I know you’re not a fan of February 14th, but I promise you’ll love it when you spend it with me. Can’t wait to see you!"

15. "Does anyone even know that we’re single and ready to mingle? Anyway, I don’t care, I would rather spend this Valentine’s Day with you. Do you want to go out for free drinks?"

Baca Juga: Kenapa Persib Bandung Dijuluki Pangeran Biru? Ternyata Ini Alasannya

16. "What a beautiful day to be alive! Don’t be sad, just because we’re single doesn’t mean we are not allowed to have fun on Valentine’s Day."

17. "Well, at least we have each other. I’m more than satisfied with the fact that I’m spending this Valentine’s Day with you. Best friends are more than sweethearts. Let’s celebrate this!"

18. "Roses are red, violets are blue, you’re my best friend and I’m crazy about you! I just wanted to say that I’m beyond happy to spend this Valentine’s Day with you, mate! Xoxo!"

19. "This Valentine’s Day will be dedicated to you, best friend. I ordered your favourite food and drinks. Can’t wait to meet you! Happy Valentine’s Day!"

20. "You know that you can’t hurry love, right? Just be patient, and it will come when you need it the most. Until then, let’s put a smile on your face and show this world that we don’t need anyone to be strong and beautiful!"

21. "Who said that Valentine’s day was made for lovers? I want to spend this day with my best friend. I know we will have a lot fun and forget about our broken hearts. Happy February 14th!"

22. "Valentine’s Day is all about love, support and understanding each other. Why can’t we spend it with our best friends? Happy Valentine’s day!"

23. "Can’t wait to spend the most incredible Valentine’s day with my best friend! Let’s forget about our broken hearts and promise each other that we will be together no matter what. Fries before guys, right? Happy Valentine’s day!"

24. "We’ll have the time of our lives, buddy! You are the only person I want to see on Valentine’s day. IThat’s more than enough for me. Happy Valentine’s day!"

25. "Valentine’s day is not about couples. It’s about love. Hope that this day will bring you a lot of positive vibes and good energy. You are the most beautiful human being in the world! Love you!"

Sumber: Suara.com/Rima Suliastini

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